


At some point, for whatever reason, we have all felt like creative failures. As a result, we have pushed our creativity aside in the face of…well, life, but still that glimmer of creativity has tugged at us, calling for our attention – The Way helps you tap into that urge, empowering you to awaken and unlock your creative spark, inspiring you to start writing.


The Way is a 6 week eCourse that includes tips, tools and techniques to help you connect or reconnect to your imagination and unlock your creativity. This eCourse is delivered via PDF lessons with practical writing exercises and weekly feedback.

Hopefully you can find a little time each day to begin developing a regular writing practice. A minimum of an hour each week to read the course material, complete the exercises and digest your tutor’s feedback would suffice, however, you can put as much time in as you have available. As long as you engage with each week’s lesson, this course is designed so you can work at your own pace week- to-week.

Topics covered
Each week, The Way delves into a range of topics aimed to lead you sequentially into the writing process. Such topics include: Giving yourself permission, Facing your writerly fears, Getting words on the page, Creating a sense of place, Digging for detail, Mining your own memories, Discovering characters, Tapping into emotion, Using all the senses, Finding the story.

Course outline
Week One
Make a commitment to yourself to fully engage with the course material and your writerly self. Complete a number of preliminary exercises to get you in a flow of words.

Week Two
Digging deep into your writerly fears and addressing what stops you starting to write or what interrupts your writing process. Practical writing exercises will free you up to get really creative.

Week Three
Using observation, unlock detail and create a sense of place. Learn how to tease out the elements of location.

Week Four
Focusing on particular elements of memory and movement to help build a sense of emotion and begin writing scenes.

Week Five
Tapping into all the senses to start fleshing out three-dimensional characters who jump off the page and feel real.

Week Six
Uncover elements of story structure and discover the narrative threads of your own story.

Course detail
Duration: 6 weeks Starting whenever you are ready

Course fee:
US Dollars: $155.
Australian Dollars: $195.
British Pounds: £115.