Writing prompts can be fabulously inspiring. How do you make time for writing prompts? And how much time does responding to a writing prompt take?
It can be such a confidence boost to start writing a response to a prompt, but you can soon run out of steam. In order to build your writerly muscle, you need to flex it. Giving up at the first sign of discomfort will not build your writing stamina.
Making time for writing prompts
Here’s a tip
Try committing to a set time-frame and keep writing until that time is up.
I suggest ten minutes. The idea of committing to ten minutes of writing can feel more attainable for many of us than trying to find a half or full hour chunk of time. In reality, begin with whatever time you can set aside. One minute is okay, if you are time-poor. It is better to start small and persist than begin with a huge allocation of time, find this too difficult to stick to and give up. Smaller chunks of time canbe more sustainable on a regular basis. It is important not to overreach then burn out. Build up slowly as you get used to a regular practice of writing and get hungrier and hungrier for more. In this way, you will further flex your creative muscle and build a writing practice.
Here’s a tip
When you feel like stopping or giving up or you run out of ideas, try to continue by writing exactly what’s going on for you.
For example, you might write: I feel like stopping because I have run out of ideas and when I have run out of ideas it makes me feel like I am not creative because I assume that creative people always have brilliant ideas and when I don’t have any I pass judgement on myself and this make me not feel like continuing and makes my creativity really small. You know what else is really small? The head of a pin. The say whole worlds were created from stuff smaller than the head of a pin…
Get the idea – just write through whatever is stopping you… And DO NOT edit as you go. Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation – just write. Do that at least twice, and if you feel like stopping a third time, after having given it a golden try, then take a break.
Writing Kickstart
‘Writing Kickstart: 30 days of writing prompts‘ is a FREE eCourse designed to help you kick-start your imagination and a regular writing practice.
Sign up for your FREE 30 days of writing prompts at A Worded Life then get ready for an awesome 30 days!